The Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index) managed to reverse and pull up by 8.66% after experiencing steady declines since May. Numerous parts of the rare earths index reversed price action, including neodymium and terbium oxide. China’s recent crackdown on rare earth supplies has caused a shift in the global market, creating significant bullish sentiment […]
Tag: rare earths
Europe’s Answer to China’s Rare Earth Monopoly
Rare earth elements and semiconductors have taken on that critical national development role once occupied by oil and petroleum products. Despite the ongoing U.S.-China competition, the latter country controls a full 90% of the global rare earths supply, transforming these elements into potential political weapons. With regard to semiconductors, China’s Civilian-Military Integration Strategy aims to […]
Rare Earths MMI: China’s Metal Demand Weakens: What It Means for U.S. Rare Earth Buyers
The bears continued to make their way into the Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index), with yet another drop in price action, this time by 6.93%. Many factors pulled at rare earths prices overall, including oversupply, weak demand for metals within China and shifting dynamics in global rare earths supplies. It seems China’s over-production of […]
Will China’s Latest Rare Earths Finds Set the Stage for Tech Domination?
Chinese geologists recently discovered two new minerals – oboniobite and scandio-fluoro-eckermannite – at Inner Mongolia’s Bayan Obo, the world’s largest rare earths mine. According to media reports, the discovery was a joint effort by the CAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Union Co., Ltd., Baotou Research Institute of Rare Earths, and […]
Rare Earths MMI: Rare Earth Prices Stabilize After 6 Months of Drops and May’s Rebound
The Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index) seemed to find some stabilization after six months of dropping followed by a brief rebound in May. Overall, the index moved sideways, rising by just 2.11%. Meanwhile, prices for rare earth elements continue to pull in both directions due to a number of factors. Issues like ongoing supply […]
How Increased Offshore Exploration Is Redefining the Rare Earth Minerals Market
Ramped-up offshore exploration for rare earth metals and minerals, vital components in sought-after products like hybrid vehicles and smartphone screens, continues to cut into China’s long-held position as the primary global supplier. Countries like Australia, the United States, Myanmar, and even nations like Malaysia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan continue to increase their extraction efforts. This […]
Rare Earths MMI: Chinese Rare Earth Profits Continue to Slide
The Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index) saw a massive rebound after four months of sharp declines. All in all, the index rose by a whopping 14.36%. This enormous increase could indicate that prices for rare earth metals finally found a bottom between March and April. Chinese Rare Earth Metals Profits Still Declining China’s mining […]
Rare Earths MMI: Have Rare Earth Prices Finally Found a Bottom?
Month over month, rare earth metals witnessed new price lows not seen since September 2020. While neodymium oxide and praseodymium oxide witnessed the sharpest drop out of all of the components of the Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index), the index fell by 5.08% overall. But with price points nearing pre-pandemic lows, the index may […]
Rare Earths MMI: Is China Moving Down the Rare Earths Totem Poll?
The Rare Earths MMI (Monthly Metals Index) experienced a pretty significant drop month-on-month, falling 24.73%. Save for cerium oxide, all components of the index either fell or moved sideways. Weaker than anticipated downstream demand ended up hitting certain metals related to rare earth magnets particularly hard, causing a plummet in the index. Another significant factor […]
Rare Earths MMI: Prices Drop, Huge Rare Earths Reserve Discovered in Wyoming
Month-on-month, rare earths prices exhibited sharp downward movement. While weaker downstream demand could potentially prove one culprit in the dropping prices, another potential factor is an increase in global rare earth production outside of China. If true, China could find itself bumped down the totem pole in terms of rare earth magnets dominance. Meanwhile, China’s […]