Video: How Artificial Intelligence and Technical Analysis Provide Metal Buyers with Superior Actionable Insights

Fundamental analysis – the study of supply and demand has long dominated the old guard metal analyst firms. The problem with fundamental analysis is that it’s rarely right and therefore does not provide buying organizations with the information needed to prevent margin erosion, manage price volatility or develop sound contracting strategies. Much of the “crystal ball” lies in the hands of the buying organization.   Understanding the trends, and not the specific price points, by using a combination of technical analysis (analysis that uses patterns in market data to identify trends and make predictions) and artificial intelligence provides buying organizations with the tools and insights needed to make the right buying decisions consistently.   During this monthly webinar, the MetalMiner team will discuss the use of technical analysis with AI in metal price forecasting, including specific buy signals, when to shift sourcing strategies and learn how to mitigate against metal price volatility. Attendees will walk away with:

  • A clear understanding of how to implement a buying strategy that helps smooth volatility
  • Ways to mitigate margin erosion
  • How to look at short-term, mid-term and long-term purchases
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