Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel and Non-Oriented Electrical Steel
What Does This Data Mean?
MetalMiner Insights provides grain-oriented electrical steel price points from the US, China, Europe and Japan. Grain- oriented electrical steel capabilities include: price points, historical data, correlation analysis and both short term and long term price forecasts, showing companies when to buy, what to pay and how to save.
Global M3 Price Index
Some Details
Global M3 Prices by Region
MetalMiner serves as the only OEM-approved price reporting agency for GOES. In addition to this, MetalMiner publishes global GOES price points from multiple regions, along with both short term and long term forecasts.
All Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Prices
United States
Get access to the most accurate grain-oriented electrical steel price forecasting platform.
Look at Our Forecast Track Record
Ignore the noise, but know the trend. MetalMiner’s track record on ferrous and non ferrous metal forecasts by calling a bullish market or calling a bearish market means buying organizations can always generate cost savings or cost avoidance.
Metal Price Indexes: Now a
Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Contracting Tool
Use GOES Price Points to Better Manage Margins
Have an upcoming negotiation for GOES? Use a GOES price index to smooth volatility and lock-in margins. Read to see how to use this new contracting mechanism. Furthermore, learn how to lower average annual costs.
GOES Insights
Non-Oriented Electrical Steel
MetalMiner’s unparalleled metal pricing, forecasting, and intelligence platform, MetalMiner Insights, now covers non-oriented electrical steel (NOES). Step into a realm of informed purchasing. MetalMiner empowers you to conquer the NOES market with precision. Strengthen contract negotiations and provide your company the upper hand. With comprehensive NOES price points at your fingertips, unlocking maximum ROI has never been this straightforward.
Ready to Learn More? Schedule a Talk With Us.
Learn How We Partner With Our Clients
We’re always looking for input. Moreover, we also seek out opportunities to expand our offerings to help buying organizations purchasing metal. Interested in steel metal prices and market trends? What about advice on copper prices, negotiations and cost-downs? Reach out to us and let us know!
What We Offer?
MetalMiner helps manufacturers better manage margins and generate cost savings and cost avoidance. In addition to this, MetalMiner helps companies smooth volatility and meet profitability targets. Moreover, we use data – data science, data analysis, artificial intelligence, statistical analyses as well as technical analysis to provide buying organizations with specific actionable buying guidance. When used consistently, MetalMiner’s buying guidance affords companies both cost savings and cost avoidance opportunities.