This Morning in Metals: MetalMiner Webinar to Explore Manufacturing Talent Gap

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This morning in metals news, an upcoming MetalMiner webinar will explore the challenges manufacturers face in talent acquisition, the nickel price continues to fall after a hot summer and miner BHP released its production results for the quarter ending Sept. 30.
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Webinar to Explore Manufacturing ‘Skills Gap’

If you haven’t already done so, there’s still time to sign up for MetalMiner’s free Oct. 23 webinar, “The War For Contractor Talent: How Manufacturers Can Find the Workers They Need (and Fast).”
The webinar is free to attend, but registration is required.
MetalMiner Executive Editor Lisa Reisman will be joined by Matt Runfola, founder of the Chicago Industrial Arts and Design Center, and Brett Armstrong, director of business development at Avetta.

Nickel Price Slides

It was a hot summer for nickel, which surged from below $12,000 per ton in June to nearly $18,500 per ton in early September, according to MetalMiner IndX data.
However, the nickel price has started to come back down to earth over the last six weeks.
The three-month LME nickel price reached $16,260/mt as of Friday, down 4.07% on a month-over-month basis.

BHP Releases 3Q 2019 Results

Miner BHP released its quarterly production results for the quarter ending Sept. 30, showing copper production fell 3% from the previous quarter due to planned maintenance.
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Meanwhile, metallurgical coal and energy coal production fell 21% and 24%, respectively.
“We delivered a solid start to the 2020 financial year through ongoing strong operational performance across our portfolio,” BHP CEO Andrew Mackenzie said. “While Group production for the quarter decreased slightly due to the expected impacts of planned maintenance and natural field decline in Petroleum, guidance remains unchanged and we are on track to deliver slightly higher volumes than last financial year. The South Flank iron ore project is 50 per cent complete, with all our major projects on schedule and budget. We achieved further encouraging exploration results in Petroleum and at the Oak Dam copper prospect.”

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