Nick Athanis

The ‘B’ Word, Part 2: Durability, portability and uniformity of Bitcoin

In the first part of this series, we discussed monetary inflation, the history of gold as a store of value and how digital assets, like Bitcoin, may be the next big thing in the technology of money. The narrative of gold being the premier store-of-value asset has captivated like-minded investors for centuries. In this follow-up […]

The ‘B’ Word, Part 1: Store-of-value assets in a digital age

$3,623,000,000,000 — that is the increase of M2 money supply in 2020. By now, there should be no surprise what the effect of printing 23% of total USD has on commodity markets. Aluminum breached $3,000 per metric ton this week. Carbon steel price action is only now seeing moderate relief after what seemed to be […]

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