2021 in Review: Copper, copper price stories of the year on MetalMiner
Continuing our review of 2021 — we previously recapped the most-viewed carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel articles of the year — today we’ll take a look at the copper and copper price stories of the year.
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Most-viewed copper stories of the year on MetalMiner
- Copper MMI: Copper demand likely to remain strong well into 2021
Copper prices to see out 2021 at lower levels — but higher prices coming in meantime
Copper MMI: Traders take profits after copper price surges to 10-year high
Copper prices continue to surge — is the market in danger of overheating?
Copper MMI: Copper price cools in second half of May after reaching all-time high
Copper MMI: Copper price soars to record high amid tightness, dollar’s slide
What do China’s surging copper imports tell us about the economy for 2021?
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