Category: Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel MMI: Nickel Prices Move Sideways, Begin to Climb in September

Stainless Steel MMI: Nickel Prices Move Sideways, Begin to Climb in September Screen-Shot-2022-09-15-at-9.01.29-AM

By Nichole Bastin and Katie Benchina Olsen The Stainless Steel Monthly Metals Index (MMI) dropped 5.08% from August to September. Nickel prices began to rise this month, breaking through prior highs visible on shorter time frames such as the hourly and daily charts. Ultimately, prices bounced off bullish zones formed before the LME’s shutdown in […]

Stainless Steel in a “Commodity Standoff”

Stainless Steel in a “Commodity Standoff” MaksymYemelyanov_AdobeStock_steeltubes_033021

Stainless steel prices continue to struggle as we approach the final quarter of the year. Meanwhile, nickel prices float just above their 2021 average, closing August at $21,320 / mt. Both indices seem to indicate an overly-cautious marketplace, with buyers and sellers seemingly waiting to see what the other will do. This sort of “commodity” […]

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